Title: BBeacon
Type: M1.2 Project
Team: Toussaint Jongen, Wenhao Wu
As bee populations continue to struggle, BBeacon attempts to provide insight to beekeepers into how their hives are doing and how the direct environment influences them.
BBeacon aims at ceasing the decline of bees and raising people’s awareness of how crucial bees are to the human being the environment, by means of bringing three groups of stakeholders together (beekeepers, customers and municipalities). Experts including beekeepers and entrepreneurs in the agriculture domain were involved during the process of research, ideation and prototyping. Two physical prototypes and two online platform models were designed to set up a core structure for future research and iterations.
BBeacon was a very fun project, as the target group was so incredibly cooperative and unorthodox. Creating a system that collects and visualises data over time without having access to it for a long time was a great exercise in data collection, and formulating a community around this data was a great exercise in user focus. It all in turn got connected to a viable business model, ultimately resulting in a very solid project that i can look back on proudly.