Modern prototyping techniques to make life a little easier
During my master at Industrial Design, I acquired a simple 3d printer. Even though the printer was bought with an the intention to explore, it turned out to make itself invaluable quickly. My main interest is in the creation of functional 3D prints, such as organisers, clamps, jaws, lens converters or gears. These objects are typically hard to produce and especially experiment with in low quantities, allowing me to drastically improve my 3D
Nearly all of my physical projects included 3D prints one way or another. The printer was even able to provide to the prototype of fellow Industrial design student Lucas Haude. Exploring functional design prints really helps you explore material properties (PLA, ABS, PETG) and production geometries. This machine and the skills involved help me realise even ideas, even while I’m sleeping.
With functional 3D models comes CAD modeling. I am familiar with Solidworks, however over the past years I became partial to Fusion 360 due to it’s light weight, community and cross platform support.